Blog challenge · Daily Prompt · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · Stories of my life · writing

Daily Prompt: Twilight Zone

Today’s Daily Prompt asks;

Ever have an experience that felt surreal, as though you’d been suddenly transported into the twilight zone, where time seemed to warp, perhaps slowing down or speeding up? Tell us all about it. If you haven’t had an experience in real life that you can draw from, write a fictional account of a surreal experience.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us SURREAL.

I’ve had a few surreal incidences in my life. I’ve spoken about them earlier in my blog. Like almost being killed by my best friend. That was scary and heartbreaking all at once. But it was also surreal in that moment she was standing over me with that huge butcher knife in her hand. Time slowed, almost stopped as I waited, silent and still, to see what she would do next.


Or when my ex, after stalking me for years, showed up on my doorstep after almost a year of silence on his part. Showed up unexpected and unwanted. Where he proceeded to try to talk me into going someplace alone with him. For me, time sped up, as I watched in my mind all the crazy things he did to me, or tried to do to me. As the pictures flashed in lightening speed, the voice of my best friend at the time, yelling at me not to ever go off with my ex as she was terrified he would harm me.

I also remember a time when my mother and I were driving to work one cold winter morning. We worked at the same place, my first job out of high school. We cleaned the heavy frost off all the windows while the car heated up. It was about 4:30 in the morning. Still dark and so very cold. We got in the car, my mom driving and headed down the quiet street. There was one stop sign before we hit the main road to work. I remember the car as it was the ugliest orange-brown color. But it worked and got us back and forth to work. It was a small car I remember that too.

We stopped at the stop sign and both of us looked right and left, even though it was a 4 way stop. Neither one of us saw anything coming. So we slowly start to move through the intersection when I looked out my passenger side window and saw this car driving fast headed right at us. Something in the back of my mind screamed…..”It’s not going to stop!”

Sure enough, even though it was a 4 way stop, the man driving did NOT stop and hit the passenger side of the car and we spun at least 3 times before finally coming to a stop. We were quite scared and shaken but unhurt. We got out of the car and so did the man who hit us. He started yelling at us! I was so angry I got right in his face and started yelling right back. He was a good foot taller than me and probably had 100 lbs on me too. But after I got over being scared I was damn mad.

He started yelling that we should have stopped and stuff about stupid women drivers. I looked at his car with hardly a dent in it, but I also noticed that he hadn’t scraped his front window! There was this tiny clean space and the rest was solid frost! Hell, there was no way he could have even seen us much less the stop sign! That just made me more angry. About that time the police showed up and one officer took me aside and the other officer took the man off.

I told the officer what happened. I also pointed out the ice on the mans windshield. All though the guy left his car running to hopefully defrost the window before the police arrived. Didn’t work, as the police showed up rather quickly that morning for a change.


I remember though the feeling of calm come over me as I saw that car getting bigger fast just before he hit us. It was slow motion that time too, but quickly sped up after the accident. I also remember vividly the police officer looking at my mom’s car and telling me that if my mother would have been just a few seconds slower, the car would have hit my door and probably, if not killed me, injured me greatly. As it was, I was just shook up, but alive.

So yeah, I’ve had my fair share of surreal happenings.








  1. Surreal (Short story) | A mom’s blog
  2. The Cruelty of Time | snapshotsofawanderingheart
  3. Chaffinch | Writing and Works
  4. Daily Prompt: Twilight Zone « Mama Bear Musings
  5. Episodes of Serenity | My Musings | WANGSGARD
  6. Daily Prompt/ Twilight Zone? | Sitting on the Porch
  7. Get Transported. How? Finding Awe | Emotional Fitness
  8. Daily Prompt: The Twilight Zone | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  9. DP: Surreal | As I See It
  10. Twilight Moments (Daily Prompt Challenge) | Ana Linden
  11. In the Nick of Time. | jwdwrites
  12. Daily Prompt: Twilight Zone | Indira’s Blog
  13. Time Warp | Views Splash!
  14. The Quickest Way To The Twilight Zone Is By Bus… | Steve Says…
  15. This is Not a Pipe | jigokucho
  16. The Twilight Zone | melissuhhsmiles
  17. Secret Jellyfish World | Wright Outta Nowhere
  18. Moving back home will make anyone feel as if they’ve entered a 1950′s pod people movie. | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project”
  19. Delirium | Life is great
  20. Silence in the Metro | MC’s Whispers
  21. There Is No Time/Daily Prompt | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  22. Woman urinating in traffic | shame
  23. Magnetic Me | Green Embers
  24. Mother’s Room | Flowers and Breezes
  25. DP: Confusion / Surreal – Morning Prayer at Mina (Hajj diary extract) | aliabbasali
  26. Daily Prompt: Twilight Zone | Basically Beyond Basic
  27. Miss Mona’s Final Day
  28. Surreal | Real Life Co.
  29. Daily Prompt: Being Trippy! | All Things Cute and Beautiful



22 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Twilight Zone

  1. That’s quite a story Jackie. I witnessed a fatal accident once where everything went into slow motion. I was lucky I stopped and saw the driver approaching where I was at high speed. By the time I turned in behind him he had collected another car about one hundred fifty yards ahead and his car proceeded to roll the hit car as if he was pushing garbage. It was a very surreal moment one that has stayed with me. Great post.


    1. Thanks Michael, things like that tend to stick with a person. Slow motion and speed at the same time, if that’s not surreal I don’t know what is.


  2. Isn’t that something that a brief moment can mean the difference between life and death? You and your mother were both fortunate – and I’m so glad you were. I’m not surprised you’ve had surreal moments in your life. You handle them well.

    I had a surreal day today. 😉


    1. You did?? Email me girl!! Oh yeah, I saw your book on bookbub! Yay!!!!

      I had to handle things well girl, this cat only has so many lifes left. LOL


  3. Oooh, oooh! I keep forgetting to say I LOVE your new look here. I like your new title – My World of Words, and I love your bigger, darker font. I can read your blog so much easier now. Love it!!


        1. hahahah, that almost made me spit out my coke zero! I’m not deleting it either. 😉
          I knew what you meant……hahaha. Oh my I got a good laugh out of that. I’m not sure I know how to do pervy, hummmm got any pointers my friend?? hahahaha.


  4. Very scary…I’ve been in two accidents. In one accident my car was t-boned , and I had to be taken to the hospital on a backboard via ambulance because they feared a spinal injury..

    In the emergency room I was gurneyed into a curtained cubicle. I was left alone.I could not move because of the neckbrace and backboard. A man crawled under the curtain. He slunk in the shadows. It was frightening.

    I just knew I was about to be raped, and then he said as he peeked over the edge of the bed, “Ma’am can I borrow one of these chairs?’ By that time I had totally watered my drawers. Moral: Never leave a loved one alone in an ER.


      1. Yes, it was…would make a good scene in a mystery novel about a serial killer who frequents ER’s…now I’m spooking myself…


  5. I know exactly what you mean when you say that calm came over you when you watched the car coming at you. I had this same experience when I was in a jumbo jet and the engine caught fire (I blogged about that too long ago). These are surreal happenings indeed!


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